A Look At Three Types Of Body Contouring Treatment In Houston

There are many body contouring treatments offered in Houston and this makes it a challenging task to choose the right option for your condition. This is why at Le Beauty Concierge Body we are trained and experienced to offer reliable and affordable body contouring treatments of all types. To help you understand the difference between each treatment, in this blog, we take a look at three types of body contouring treatment in Houston.


Also known as Scizer, the LipoBlast is a non-invasive, high-intensity, deeply focused ultrasound technology designed to permanently get rid of fat cells in the subcutaneous layer of the skin. The treatment offers a more contoured body as it targets and reduces excess fat, this is why it is best suited for mild to moderate fat accumulation, not the obese. This treatment is great for large areas of the body since it provides macro-focused ultrasound energy to large patches including the abdomen and buttocks to get rid of unwanted fat and circumference in a safe and non-invasive way. LipoBlast is the right option for surgical procedures, where the fat accumulation is not too excessive. It is also one of the fastest body contouring treatments.


Also, called tumescent liposuction, Liposculpture is an improved form of liposuction treatment that is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that helps get rid of substantial amounts of localized unwanted fat from different areas of the body such as the arms, chest, abdomen, or thighs. Industry-leading Le Beauty Concierge Body offers all liposculpture treatment procedures in Houston, TX.

Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, the treatment is performed under a local anesthetic delivered using the Tumescent anesthesia option. Unwanted fat is eradicated using a fine microcannula of 1mm in diameter. This helps to maximize the safety of the patient, mild sedation allows the patient to remain awake during the treatment.

Venus Glow Skin Renewal Solution

A Venus Glow Skin Renewal Solution is a type of body contouring treatment machine that is a customizable skin renewal system to deliver both financial and aesthetic results. The machine works with special Serums treatment to promote the power of nature through an advanced ingredient profile and innovative serum delivery technology, to offer patients with effective pore cleansing and skin renewal.

Summing Up

The above-listed are some of the types of body contouring treatment you can find in Houston and our therapists are skilled and experienced to offer all the body contouring treatments in Houston, TX.  Le Beauty Concierge Body is ready to accept bookings for all patients looking for reliable and effective body contouring treatment services in Houston. Feel free to call us at 8323233392 or send an email at  lebeautyconcierge@gmail.com, we will get back to you soon.