Cellulite Treatment Tips From the Dermatologists

best treatment for cellulite on legs

Cellulite is a condition of dimpled and lumpy flesh on the hips, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. It also has the probability to appear on breasts and arms. In other words, it is the dimpled appearance of the skin. This condition is more prevalent among women than men. This is due to the differences in the way in which fat cells, connective tissue, and muscle are distributed in the skin of men and women. Fat deposits pushing and distorting the connective tissues lying beneath the surface lead to the appearance of lumpiness. Most women dread cellulite as a condition. However, before you panic, here are some tips from the dermatologists. Hire professional cellulite treatment Houston services.

Cellulite is harmless and is not a disease

Cellulite is an entirely benign and normal condition and is not a severe condition. It, however, can make you feel a bit conscious while wearing bathing suit or shorts.

Exercise helps treat cellulite

The primary key to avoid cellulite is weight loss and muscle building. Muscle lying below the fat pockets can cause strain against the skin and create cellulite. Smoothing the muscle can further lead to smoother skin. Most women usually carry cellulite in buttocks or thighs; hence workouts which emphasize on squats, lunges and leg lifts appear to be most effective.

An improved diet can help treat cellulite treatment

A healthy diet has a positive effect on the body as well as the cellulite. Diet rich in omega-3s and antioxidants is a woman’s best friend in fighting this condition as they help in breaking the fat cells down while strengthening connective tissue and skin. Food items like dark berries, salmon and flaxseed, are highly recommended. Natural cocoa being loaded with antioxidants is a great item to welcome in the diet.

A genetic component

Women having cellulite often are seen having mothers, sisters or aunts with cellulite, irrespective of their shape or weight. The biggest misconception about this condition is losing body fat alone will help reduce its appearance. Cellulite often happens among women who are triathletes and marathon runners. Hence, it has nothing to do with body weight and is genetic.

Avoid the ‘miracle’ trap

We often come across expensive creams and potions claiming to make cellulite disappear. These creams fail to have any long term effect. It is a waste to invest in this trap. When cellulite is a valid concern for you, it is best to contact a dermatologist to discuss its treatments.

Acoustic wave therapy

This is one of the most popular treatment techniques of cellulite. This treatment has effectively managed to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The method makes use of acoustic waves in the affected areas. Lipotripsy is another word for AWT.

Laser therapy

TriActive is a treatment which combines the treatment of low-level laser with manipulation of skin and suction. Velashape is a treatment that combines massage and laser therapy. These treatments need multiple treatment sessions along with maintenance treatments for sustaining the improved appearance. Some of the other systems make use of radiofrequency therapy combined with radiofrequency and infrared light at multiple levels at the same time.

Caffeine might improve skin texture

Most of the creams fighting cellulite contain caffeine as an active ingredient. This is helpful because it has temporary effects on the body that are prolonged to daily impact. It further shrinks the fat cells after making them feel dehydrated. It is advised to apply this cream with the help of an aggressive massage and a rolling motion that helps better penetration.


Cellulite treatment is necessary and should be treated at the earliest but only with the guidance of a dermatologist. These tips help guide you in the treatment process. Make the most of reliable cellulite treatment Houston services.