The Plethora of Body Shaping Procedures

body contouring treatments

A flat and toned body is on everyone’s mind, and one constantly strives to get the same. Excess fat can give you a rather ugly appearance, which is not acceptable by anyone. As noninvasive cosmetic treatments have become more advanced and accessible, the demand for fat-reduction procedures has increased like anything. In fact, there are several non-invasive body contouring treatments, which are using diverse technologies that are prevalent in today’s world. If an individual decides to go for any kind of fat reduction treatment, he/she should be well aware of the pros and cons of the treatment.

Pros and Cons of the Treatment

Temperature-Based Treatments

CoolSculpting is one of the foremost noninvasive, fat-cutting treatments. This is a process that uses controlled cooling to freeze the fat cells permanently that are resistant to diet and exercise, like the inner thighs, upper arms, and stomach. The final results appear after about three months as the frozen cells lose their energy, and the body throws them out. A distinct advantage of this treatment is that new cells aren’t able to take their place, making it a permanent solution. There are certain demerits, which are associated with this treatment is that it is literally freezing your buns off and patients often report intense discomfort as well as bruises, the next-day.

Skin Tightening Module

As the age tends to increase, the body loses the laxity, which results in producing a droopy look, most commonly manifesting in a jowl-like neck, above-the-knees sagging, and loose upper arms. Thanks to the advancement in radio-frequency and ultrasound technologies, which build collagen by engaging the skin’s deeper layers. The improvement that is seen is not only in skin contour but in tightening, and fat reduction as well in the arms, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen, whichever area is targeted. It can be used by the people who’ve had a lot of weight loss or stretch marks or laxity of their skin from pregnancy; they want to go with this treatment.

When to go for Liposuction?

Despite all the rapid advancements in technology, fat-reduction procedures are not any magic. All the procedures are concerned as a refinement for people within 10 pounds of their goal weight, not as a weight-loss method. Liposuction is still the most effective method when it comes to medical intervention for fat elimination. And according to the ASPS report, it is not going anywhere, with the surgery up 5 percent from 2017 and more than 250,000 procedures completed in 2018.

The Final Sitting

If one is in search of the best treatment for cellulite on legs and other weight shedding treatment then the very competent cellulite reduction treatments are sought after. There are various body contouring treatments in Houston Texas, and Le Beauty Concierge is one of them. They are the pioneers when it comes to the weight loss treatments because they are having expert physicians, who will render the very best treatment and will give you the body you have always dreamt of.