Therapeutic Treatments for Postoperative Care of Cosmetic Surgery

People sometimes wrongly assume that the operation itself is cosmetic surgery’s most challenging component. Fortunately, local anaesthetic is needed for most surgical procedures, so the process is over quickly. This emphasizes the significance of the postoperative period, which might last for many weeks or even months.

At Le Beauty Concierge Body Contouring, our experts provide comprehensive postoperative care to aid in a speedier recovery and provide comfort during the healing process. Our non-invasive body contouring in Houston, TX, techniques can help you lose weight and look more toned without the risks and downtime associated with surgical procedures. Here, we’ll give you the individualized attention you’ve earned.

Once you recover from surgery

To your success in finishing surgery, congratulations! You’re likely eager to obtain your findings and go back to normal.

Having patience is essential while you recover from surgery. Your body’s healing process necessitates taking it easy and prioritizing rest and self-care. Consider it some much-needed rest.

It will be several months before your body fully recovers, even if we give you the green light to return to work. Please choose one of our soothing postoperative care of surgical patient therapies to speed up your recovery and reduce discomfort.

Ultrasound therapy

If you’re a parent, you’ve heard about ultrasounds and maybe even had one. Similar methods in ultrasound treatment use high-frequency sound waves to alleviate pain and speed tissue repair. Ultrasound therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for easing pain associated with various medical disorders that have been utilized in physical therapy for over 80 years.

We may recommend this treatment to speed up your body’s natural recovery. We will utilize a portable instrument to deliver sound waves into your skin after applying a gel to the treatment area.

The vibrations he uses to reduce inflammation may cause a little pulsating sensation, or you may feel nothing. The 5-to-10-minute treatment period is in constant motion as we move the portable device.

Lymphatic massage

The lymphatic system comprises organs and tissues that help rid the body of poisons and pollutants. You may experience lymph node swelling and fluid accumulation after surgery. Stretching, cupping, skin compressions, and sweeping motions are all part of the lymphatic massage repertoire, all of which help to drain excess fluid.

A massage by Le Beauty Concierge Body Contouring is more comprehensive than just a particular spot. If you want to get your lymphatic system moving, you’ll need to use this massage across a wide swath of your body. Most of your lymphatic system drains over your left shoulder, with key nodes in your neck, armpits, and groin.

Benefits of postoperative treatment

Getting well after surgery isn’t a picnic. Do something nice for yourself, like getting some ultrasound therapy and a lymphatic massage, because your body needs it now more than ever. In addition to promoting calm and better health, these therapies have several other benefits:

  • Faster recovery
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Relieving discomfort
  • Reduces lymphedema risk

Call 832-323-3392 or book an online appointment to schedule your postoperative treatment with us.